Wednesday, May 7, 2025
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
Join our main student body in our demonstration kitchen for an afternoon demonstration. You will receive a copy of the recipes and a tasting plate at the end of the class. The demonstration room is equipped with a large overhead mirror and Monitors for closeup work. We release details of recipes to be demonstrated 2 weeks in advance.
Afternoon Cookery Classes begin at 2PM, however please try to be at cookery school for 1:45PM.
Guests will get a copy of all recipes and tastings of all dishes at the end of the demonstration. Please note you will be joining our main student body for this demonstration.
Details of Recipes to be demonstrated are published approximately 2 weeks in Advance.
The idea has somehow developed that it is difficult to make butter, cheese, yoghurt and other dairy products at home. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Sign up for this morning course (which includes a light lunch after the demonstration) and you will come away knowing how to make a long list of delicious dairy products including homemade butter, yoghurt, cottage cheese, coeur a la crème, labneh, paneer, and a simple farmhouse cheese. You’ll also discover how added flavour can be achieved with fresh herbs and fruit.
Butter and cheese making is definitely one of those simple but deeply satisfying kitchen crafts not only that deserves to be resurrected but can also provide additional income or a vibrant business. Students who would like to learn how to milk a cow can join us at 8.15am (please let us know you're on your way though!) when we milk our Jersey cows and separate the milk and cream
“I was really impressed with the whole process, Darina got stuck in and all the other course participants looked after us very well. I learned loads and was off the following day making my yoghurt.” Student feedback
What you’ll learn about
Course elements
Good to know
• A pack of the recipes will be provided for your ongoing reference
• Our Shop will be open for further inspiration: cookery books, equipment and select ingredients
• We run this course several times a year
The prestigious Ballymaloe 12 WeekCertificate Course is run three times a year, with courses beginning in January,April or May, and September.
The course is aimed at anyone with a passionate interest in food. Many of our students use the course as a springboard to become a professional chef; others use it to equip themselves with a marketable skill.
Others still take the course simply to maximize the pleasure they get from cooking at home.
Students develop a deep and detailed understanding of food and how it is produced. The emphasis is on recognising the best ingredients and knowing how to showcase them.