As you walk through the high beech hedges from The Herb Garden, the mood changes as you wander through specimen trees and shrubs including Crinodendron, Cornus kousa, Hoheria sexstylosa, Acer grisum and several varieties of mature cherries. In winter and early spring the garden is ablaze with winter snowflakes and old varieties of Daffodil planted by the Strangmans around the turn of the century.
At the end of the path is a grove of young beech trees planted by Wilson Strangman shortly after his sister Lydia's death in 1952 now called Wilson's Wood. Wilson Strangman who died in 1966, was the last surviving member of the Strangman family. He dearly loved Kinoith. In later years, regularly walked to the seat at the end of the path in the evening to listen to the bird song. The trees are now under-planted with bluebells, primroses and wild garlic. Walking along the path, you will pass a miscellany of shrubs and trees.
At the end of the garden by Wilson's Wood there is a large circular pond, usually with a family of Muscovy ducks in residence. Reflected in it is a temple, Darina's classic folly created by re-erecting the portico from a now demolished house in Hackestown, Co Carlow.