Eoin Cluskey

Bread 41

September 2012

Eoin Cluskey is the founder and owner of Bread 41 in Dublin. Starting off small, they now have several properties across Ireland.

Bread 41 is an organic bakery located in Dublin 2. Our bakery specialises in long fermented breads, which are made using traditional methods and just a few simple ingredients; flour, salt and water. All our breads are hand made over two days using organic flour and other wholesome ingredients including nuts, seeds, grains and dried fruit. We will supply like-minded retailers, restaurants, hotels and cafés with bread and fresh pastries daily.
In September 2018 we are launched our very own bakery/eatery Bread 41, which is located next to our bakery on Pearse Street in Dublin 2. At Bread 41, customers can buy our breads, pastries and taste amazing food. We are very excited about this opportunity, given our teams acumen for putting together incredible yet simple dishes. Everyday our kitchen will be serving up fresh lunch and breakfast options using local , seasonal, organic where possible and always ethnically sourced ingredients. Similar to our routes in the bakery, we will be focusing on fermented foods, making our own butters, jams and sourcing local organic produce where we can to support local farmers and suppliers where possible.
Eoin Cluskey
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